🎬Director Mode /cmd Instruction

Welcome to the documentation page for our Director Mode /cmd Instruction feature! This feature allows you to take direct control of your AI roleplay, guiding the conversation exactly how you envision it. Whether you're looking to steer the AI when it gets off track or inject fresh creativity into the dialogue, Director Mode puts you in the director's chair.

What is Director Mode?

Director Mode empowers you to issue custom commands to the AI using the /cmd syntax, enabling more control over character behavior and plot progression. This feature gives you the ability to direct the flow of conversations and make sure the AI sticks to the storyline or character behavior you have in mind.

Key Features

  • Full Story Control: Shape every interaction and direct the AI to behave as you'd like.

  • Custom Instructions: With a simple command, you can adjust responses, add creative plot twists, or correct the AI when it deviates from your narrative.

  • Break repetitive loops: Keep interactions fresh by instructing the AI to move forward with the plot or change behavior.

  • In-Character Guidance: Keep the AI in character and ensure it follows the path you've set.

How It Works

You can provide the AI with specific instructions by entering commands with /cmd in your message. These commands are invisible to the AI character but will guide how it responds in the conversation.

In the example above, you can see the command was "/cmd Essie should refuse to give out personal information" and was entered after the dialogue. The AI then responded accordingly, refusing to give their creation date. You must ensure that the instruction is added as a separate line beneath your message.

Example Commands


You're in a medieval setting, and Alex is supposed to keep the location of the treasure hidden, but you want to add more tension to the interaction by ensuring they remain secretive. You: Where is the treasure hidden, Alex? I know you've been keeping secrets from me! I know you have the map! You can’t hide it from me anymore. /cmd Alex should be hesitant and refuse to give any information about the treasure

Alex: I... I can't tell you that. It's too dangerous, and you wouldn't understand.

Here are some other basic examples of how you can use Director Mode in your conversations:

  • Breaking loops: /cmd break out of the loop and stop repeating This will tell the AI to stop repeating responses or getting stuck in a conversational loop.

  • Adding specific character behavior (using "Essie" as the character name example): /cmd Essie is suddenly very hungry This instructs the AI to alter the character’s behavior, allowing you to seamlessly integrate new plot developments.

Best Practices

  • Model Compatibility: The effectiveness of this feature may vary depending on the AI model you're using. Some models may follow commands better than others.

  • Separate Commands: Always place the /cmd instruction on a new line after your message to ensure it works correctly.

  • Experiment with Creativity: Use this tool to experiment with your storytelling, adjusting characters and scenarios to match your narrative vision.


Director Mode transforms your AI roleplaying experience by giving you control over every interaction. From keeping characters in line to breaking free of repetitive loops, you can now direct your story in ways that elevate the entire experience. Take charge of your roleplay because, in your world, you're not just a participant—you’re the director!

Last updated